Part No.: MPKK-ASEDLMS-Test-Set
This is the ideal tool for advanced DLMS meter testing and troubleshooting during meter installation, commissioning and during operations.
ASEDLMS Test Set is a Windows based DLMS/ COSEM Metering Testing tool with DLMS Client driver. Meter Test Set is the ideal tool for advanced DLMS meter testing and troubleshooting during meter installation, commissioning and during operations. With extensive DLMS / COSEM object support, user friendly GUI and strong industry adoption ASEDLMS Test Set is a tool every field technician and engineer should have.
ASE DLMS Test Set is a Windows-based DLMS Client application enabling users to communicate with DLMS servers (meter / gateway / data concentrator) for verification, troubleshooting and data acquisition. DLMS Test Set conforms to the latest DLMS-UA colored books and supports various communication media such as serial, optical, ethernet, modems.
The Graphical User Interface allows user to configure meters and association properties after which user can download object list from meter and perform read/write of objects of interest.
Objectlist window allows user to view/verify the OBIS code, Interface class, version and data type/access rights of each attribute and method returned by meter. Detailed objectlist can be saved to CSV file to be used as test evidence or for future reference or sharing with meter manufacturer or other interested third parties.
ASE DLMS Test Set can automatically be configured to compare Objectlist downloaded from meter against a standard objectlist and generate a report CSV file highlighting the comparison results.
The Test Set supports recent advances in the DLMS standards such as support for unsolicited Push messages. Push Analyzer window allows user to constantly monitor Data notification requests pushed by meter. Each Push message is decoded, and the capture objects values are displayed with header containing meta data generated by meter Test Set to identify the source of message and timestamp.
All profile objects such as Load Profile, Billing Profile, Event Logs, Instantaneous Snapshot Profile, Power Quality Logs etc. are displayed in a user-friendly manner with chronological order of entries and overlaid meta-data (such as number of entries-in-use).
The Test Set supports read using Selective Access by range as well as by entry and the read buffer can be saved to CSV file. Methods with access rights can be executed as well as from this same window.
DLMS Image transfer provides a user-friendly mechanism for meter firmware upgrade. The Test Set isolates the user from the complete state machine and procedure detailed in DLMS Blue book for image transfer. This is automatically performed by the Test Set with user just providing the firmware file and image identifier.
Global groups allows to group multiple objects of different meters and watch them in single window
The Test Set supports the cybersecurity enhancements with support for Cipher suites 0 and 1 introduced in the DLMS standards. Key Transfer allows changing meters authentication keys / ciphering keys with AES Key wrap algorithm support.
OPC data access server support for integration with OPC client applications Insert data to database feature available on support Manual (on-demand) as well as automatic (schedule-based) reading from meter Traffic view and save as text file for communication analysis
ASE DLMS Test Set is a DLMS Client application enabling users to communicate with DLMS server (meter / gateway / data concentrator). ASE DLMS Test Set is an ideal fit for DLMS meter testing as well as for small scale meter data acquisition applications. Some common applications of DLMS Test Set software are listed below: