
Part No.: MPCG-VisualTCAD
This is the graphical user interface of device simulation software Genius , dedicated to improving ease of use to meet the needs of beginner TCAD users and students.


VisualTCAD : Device Emulation Graphical User Interface

VisualTCAD is the graphical user interface of device simulation software Genius , dedicated to improving ease of use to meet the needs of beginner TCAD users and students. Using TCAD tools has never been easier, complicated command lines or writing code are no longer needed, and beginners can master VisualTCAD in minutes and start Genius simulation. On the other hand, using VisualTCAD does not result in a loss of Genius emulation, and all physical models and options can be selected and added via the interface.

VisualTCAD is capable of performing 2D and 3D device simulation, SPICE circuit simulation, and circuit/device hybrid simulation, which consists of the following modules

  • Device structure drawing tool
  • Circuit schematic capture tool
  • Simulation control module
  • Simulation result visualization tool
  • Electronic data sheet
  • XY drawing tool

Device structure display module

Simulation control module

Circuit simulation module